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It’s hard to find homewares stock that’s unique AND profitable!

Lots of stores carry the same popular ranges, 

and expensive wholesale costs eat into the bottom line.

You need exquisite products that deliver healthy profit margins and a wow-factor that has customers coming back for more.

The Cushion Accessory Co makes it easy for retailers to get back to core business by developing and delivering innovative, saleable products that customers love.

‘Retailers deserve to focus on creating beautiful stories for their customers, 

instead of stressing about sourcing the right stock’

- Maryna King

What homewares retailers really need

Save time & energy

Trying to source new stock when you’re already running a business is exhausting. Say goodbye to the constant stress of finding fresh items. We develop seasonal ranges throughout the year so there’s always a new design to keep your display interesting.

Innovative, saleable products

You want to stand out and offer customers something special. We get it. With The Cushion Accessory Co. range, you’ll enjoy the satisfaction that comes from having a unique product offering that sets you apart from your competitors.

Enjoy a healthier bottom line

Homeware retailers need products that are luxe enough to impress customers, and affordable enough that they can be sold with a decent profit margin. Our wholesale costs are extremely attractive for retailers, plus you get access to our library of hi-res imagery to use in your marketing. Apply today 

The retail struggle is real

As a stylist I know how time-intensive it is to find something unique on the market, and as a business owner, I know it’s crucial to make good money.I saw a gap in the market for unique styling products that give people the ability to change the look in their home with a few carefully chosen pieces. 

Using every scrap of my 20+ years experience in design and product development, 

I created a range of multi-functional accessories that transforms cushions into statement styling pieces that defy seasonal trends.

When you stock The Cushion Accessory Co products, your customers get an original offering that’s new to market, environmentally sustainable and you get the added benefit of a realistic margin.

3 easy steps to becoming a wholesale stockist

Amaze your customers (& make more money )


1: Register as a wholesaler by completing the form

2: Once you’re approved, you get access to the full range wholesale pricelist.

3: Choose the items you want to stock, place your order and they’ll be delivered to your store.

About The Founder

With more than 20 years in the design industry across the world, Maryna King knows how to create beautiful homes. From designing lounges in hotels in Singapore to restoring boats in Dubai, Maryna has a passion for creative, adaptive and luxe styling.

Seeing a gap in the market for unique styling options, Maryna used her skills in design and product development to create a range of multi- functional accessories that transforms cushions into statement styling pieces that defy seasonal trends.

The Cushion Accessory Co develops seasonal ranges throughout the year, so retailers don’t need to worry about constantly finding new items to stock.

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